Learn at\\\ about ***Forex\\\ Analysis [[[Forex learn to Bangla School]]]
This lesson about all Forex analysis .Analysis is
three type first one Fundamental Analysis, second Technical ###Analysis and
third are Sentimental Analysis. So now we are learning all analysis to Forex Bangla
School, Forex learn to Bangla School
Forex Bangla news, Forex Bangla forum etc. What is Fundamental Analysis? «««Fundamental
analysis is the study of how global economic news and other news events affect
financial markets. Fundamental analysis encompasses ⁕⁕⁕any news event, social
force, economic announcement, Federal policy change, company earnings and news,
and perhaps the most≥≥≥ important piece of Fundamental data applicable to the
Forex market, which is a country’s interest rates and interest rate policy. The
idea behind??? fundamental analysis. is that if a country’s current
or future economic picture is strong, their currency should strengthen. A strong
economy attracts foreign investment and businesses, and this means foreigners
must purchase a ₱₱₱country’s currency to invest or start a business
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analysis is the study of the price movement on a chart of a particular Forex
currency pair≈≈≈
or other market. We can think of technical analysis or “T.A.” for short, as a
sort of framework that traders use to study and
Forex learn to Bangla School make use of the price movement
of a market. The primary reason that traders use T.A.^^^ is to
make predictions about future price movement based on past price movement. Technical
analysts believe that all current market variables are reflected via the price***
movement on a price chart. So, if we believe that all market variables are
reflected via price movement, it only goes to reason that we don’t really need
much else to analyze and trade the markets ~~~besides price. Technical
analysis also encompasses>>> learning to analyze the market structure;
find trends, support and resistance levels and generally learn to ‘read’ the
ebbs and flows of a market. There is obviously discretion involved here and I
will be the first person to tell you<<< that T.A. is more of an art
than a science. That said, it is something you will get more comfortable with
and better at given time and practice. T.A. forms the$$$ back-bone of my core
trading method of price action, which is simply a derivative or off-shoot of
‘traditional T.A.”, except with&&& more clarity and more concise
strategies that don’t involve confusing or things like .
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